Oklahoma State Representative Sally Kern (R) is reacting to the left’s anti-gun hysteria by pushing a law to protect Oklahoma school children who draw pictures of guns, fashion their hands into imaginary guns, or “[chew] their breakfast pastries into the shape of a gun.”

Citing a case in Maryland “where a boy was suspended from school for chewing a Pop-Tart into the shape of the gun,” Kern says she wants to introduce some “tolerance” into the left’s intolerance of guns.

On May 31, Breitbart News reported that Baltimore eight-year-old Josh Welch was indeed suspended for “biting his pop tart into the shape of a gun.” After so doing, the school said Welch said “inappropriate things” like “bang, bang,” while holding the pastry.

More recently in Scottsdale, AZ, another eight-year-old was “threatened with expulsion after drawing a picture of a soldier with a gun.”  

Kern believes these “zero tolerance” policies have simply gone too far. According to the Tulsa World, she has introduced the Common Sense Zero Tolerance Act, which will protect children who “[use] writing utensils, fingers or their hands to simulate a weapon” in the middle of play. Kern’s law would also protect kids who wear clothes that “support or advance Second Amendment rights or organizations” like the NRA.

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