On Saturday, Florida Governor Rick Scott (R) said the GOP is doing the right thing for the state after the Florida Republican Party voted to oppose Common Core.

 “We’re not going to have the federal government tell us how to do our education system,” said Scott, who did not take questions from the media Saturday.

Party members spoke out against Common Core on Friday night:

Eric Miller, the committeeman from Martin County, said the caucus could begin to “run this progressive element out of our party and out of this country” by voting for the resolution.

“Folks, once they’ve got the kids, and they’ve got their minds, you might as well sit down; it’s over from there,” he said.

Common Core supporters may have thought the pushback was finished after Scott told his Department of Education the state was ending tests based on the program. Education Commissioner Pam Stewart said the state will consider 40 changes to the standards but did not specify exactly which ones. She did say one change will be to add cursive writing, which is one skill that many states are trying to bring back to the classroom.

Scott also announced the legislature will pass a security bill which will address any concerns about what information is collected from students.