The FBI will not file criminal charges against the IRS for targeting conservative groups, according to law enforcement officials. 

The official line is that the FBI didn’t find political bias or “enemy hunting” which would justify filing charges against the agency. The FBI insists that the IRS was simply a mismanaged bureaucracy enforcing rules it did not understand.

The case is still under investigation, but as time passes officials say the case for filing charges becomes less and less likely unless unexpected evidence is discovered.

The GOP has been vocal about their doubts that the Obama administration would truly investigate the IRS malfeasance; last week Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, said he doubted the impartiality of the Justice Department prosecutor running the investigation because she was an Obama donor.

The Democrats, to no one’s surprise, insist that the IRS did not act criminally, claiming that liberal groups received the same treatment from the IRS.