A high-speed rail line is being proposed to link San Antonio, Texas with Monterey, Mexico.

Spearheading the measure is Representative Henry Cuellar (D-TX), who predicts that it will pump more tourism dollars into San Antonio, help Monterey with their small businesses, and will revolutionize trade and travel. “People from those two large cities, San Antonio and Monterey, can travel in a fast way and in a safe way,” the Democrat from San Antonio insists.

Cuellar is hoping the rail is operating within the next six to eight years “if everything falls into place.” The already swelling of business development in Monterey has prompted some to refer to the city as “Sonterrey.” Cuellar affirms that “You can see on the northwest side a lot of people who have opened up businesses from Monterrey.”

The Democratic Congressman agrees with opponents who suggest there could be problems with funding the rail system. “I think one of our challenges is where will we come up with the money,” said Cuellar. The California high speed rail system connecting Los Angeles and San Francisco has been estimated to cost up to $68 billion.

Those that are opposed to the project contend that there are safety issues to be considered as well. Many immigrants have escaped from Monterey due to crimes including murders and kidnappings. Cuellar says “the security will be there.” Moreover, he suggested that the rail will help increase safety because “You don’t have to worry about driving in a car.”