After failing to get a bill through Congress in 2013, gun control groups are switching gears and asking the White House to declare guns “a public health and safety issue,” hoping President Obama will “direct the Department of Health and Human Services to launch a public safety campaign about the dangers of gun ownership, much like the agency did about the dangers of smoking.”

According to The Newtown Bee, Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG) is involved in this strategy but did not want to comment on where the issue presently stands. 

Individuals from other groups speaking on condition of anonymity voiced support for HHS involvement and want Obama “to pour money into public information campaigns and gun research.”

During the January 28th State of the Union address, President Obama pledged, concerning gun control, “to keep trying, with or without Congress.” This has heartened some gun control proponents who believe “the president remains committed [to the cause].”

On December 4th, Breitbart News reported a congressional study showing the number of privately owned guns increased from 192 million in 1994 to 310 million in 2009. During this same time period, crime drastically decreased.

On February 2nd, Breitbart News covered a DOJ report showing firearm-related homicides fell by 39 percent, and firearm-related violent crime dropped 70 percent from 1993 to 2011. 

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