As a riposte to the carping masses on the left who think conservatives are cheap and ungenerous, there’s a wonderful debate over a $5,000 tip left on a $5,000 bill by either Willie Robertson of Duck Dynasty or television host Sean Hannity, who dined together at Ruth’s Chris Steak House in Washington, D.C., the night of the State of the Union address.

Robertson and his wife Korie shared dinner with Hannity, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), radio talk show host Mark Levin, and former Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich and his wife Callista. The group finished their dinners after 2 a.m., long after the restaurant was closed. 

TMZ reported that Willie Robertson, the CEO of the family’s “Duck Commander” duck call business, paid the entire $5,000 bill, then left the two waiters a $5,000 tip, or 100 percent.

TVNewser begs to differ, insisting that it was Hannity who left the gigantic tip. TVNewser wrote, “Hannity knows from service industry work: during college he worked as a dishwasher, bartender and short order cook.”

Twitter was busy with compliments from users for Hannity and Robertson. One reader tweeted, “See? Republicans don’t have any problem redistributing wealth.” Another wrote, “That Willie Robertson is a classy guy!” while a third simply wrote, “Good job Sean Hannity!”

The Robertsons, who attended the SOTU as guests of Congressman Vance McAllister and South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham, were surrounded by fans at the State of the Union address; congressmen and senators lined up to post photos of themselves with the reality TV stars, including Rep. Steve Stockman, Rep. Martha Roby, Sen. David Vitter, Rep. Jeff Duncan, Rep. Steve Scalise, Rep. Thomas Massie, and Rep. Alan Nunnelee.