Joining with Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America (MDA) and Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG) on February 12, Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) charged Congress with “complicity” in gun violence. 

Murphy specifically took aim at those in Congress who have been critical of gun-free zones and have sought ways to allow citizens to arm themselves for self-defense in such zones. Murphy said, “It’s complicity when in the face of increased shootings on public property, some in Congress want to make it easier to bring guns on public property.”

According to CBS News, Murphy also said Congress was “exacerbating” the “problem of gun violence” by debating rules to allow “people to bring guns onto post office grounds.”

Murphy cited “at least 44 school shootings” since the heinous crime at Sandy Hook Elementary, which took place in December 2012. He did not explain how he reached the figure of 44, but Breitbart News has shown that some of these “shootings” are often murders in which one individual purposely seeks out another individual with the intent of killing that one person. Such was the case in the January 21 murder at Purdue University, a murder which gun control activists quickly labeled a “shooting.”

In May, as Breitbart News reported, Senator Murphy said the right to keep and bear arms “is not an absolute right, is not a God-given right.”

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