GunByGun is a private company funding buybacks in order to acquire guns and destroy them.

According to the San Jose Mercury News, GunByGun founder Ian Johnstone is 31-years old. When he was 10, his father was shot and killed “by muggers in San Francisco.” 

Johnstone says he grew up watching his mother take part in activities “to rein in the number of guns on the nation’s streets,” and he felt a “responsibility to do something about this” as well. 

His company has been “part of buybacks in San Francisco, Oakland, and San Jose.” At each of these events GunByGun paid “$100 for most guns and $200 for assault weapons.” Johnstone’s company acquired about 500 guns, which it “destroys…with the help of law enforcement agencies.”

When asked about his views on criminals’ guns versus the guns of law-abiding citizens, Johnstone said: “Our point of view is that they’re all dangerous, and they all pose a threat to society.” 

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