Pro-Life leaders are weighing in on what they call Planned Parenthood’s “sickening” and “hedonistic” idea of love on Valentine’s Day.

With Valentine’s fundraisers such as a fashion show that featured a dress made of condoms and Burlesque shows, Planned Parenthood is flaunting its love affair with sex, contraception, and abortion.

In fact, as Breitbart News’s Robert Wilde wrote, Planned Parenthood’s president Cecile Richards advised lovers in a Vine video that one of the things women really need for Valentine’s Day is “safe and legal abortion.”

Lila Rose, president of pro-life Live Action, said, “While it’s sickening to promote the killing of pre-born children on a day set aside to celebrate love, it shouldn’t surprise us that on Valentine’s Day, Planned Parenthood hearts abortion.”

“Having infamously earned the title of America’s largest abortion corporation, killing over 327,000 children a year, they will stoop to any low to push a vicious ideology and make a buck,” Rose added.

Rose contrasted Valentine’s Day, a time to celebrate love, with Planned Parenthood’s celebration of abortion as it also ignores the pain of women who may feel alone.

“Abortion is the antithesis of love – rejecting children when they are the most defenseless, and often the result of a woman feeling alone and abandoned,” she said. “Let’s recommit ourselves this Valentine’s Day to band together as a society and make this world a more loving place, especially for the smallest among us.”

Similarly, Rita Diller, at the American Life League (ALL), wrote regarding Richards’s video, “Just when you think you have seen the worst Planned Parenthood has to offer.”

“Missing are the pictures of the result of abortion – dead babies,” wrote Diller. “Just what women need in Cecile Richards’ world, no doubt…That’s love, apparently, in Cecile’s world.”

Diller further criticized Planned Parenthood for celebrating Valentine’s Day “on college campuses around the nation” by “turning it into a hedonistic celebration of debauchery, putting on sexfests and orgies, throwing condoms at anyone who will take them – and even those who don’t want them – as they celebrate, of all things, National Condom Week.”

The Valentine’s celebrations began early at Planned Parenthood. Last week, the Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota affiliate of the organization hosted, “Ready or Hot: Fashion Meets Passion for Planned Parenthood,” an event that celebrated the holiday while it raised funds for what was termed an “excellent cause.”

Here’s how Planned Parenthood billed their event, with Chowgirls Killer Catering and Oh That Jill joining the organization as Community Partners:

Ready or Hot: Fashion Meets Passion for Planned Parenthood is a celebration of love, reproductive health and fashion just in time for Valentine’s Day…Men and women you know and love, strutting their stuff for the most excellent cause. It’s a randy little Runway Show featuring the va va voom of the Valentine Season – whether you’re going out or staying in, this is what’s sizzlin’.

One of the celebratory fashions at Planned Parenthood’s event was this dress made entirely of condoms:

As if that were not enough to get people thinking about love, other friends of Planned Parenthood joined together last week for an equally moving Valentine’s event – a strip show.

Legislate This! – A Burlesque Fundraiser for the abortion giant, held at the North Door Main Stage in Austin, Texas, featured “a bevy of burlesque and aerial beauties in raising money for Planned Parenthood!”

Featured performers included Queertini Time, Sailor Cherry, Harlet Davidson, Charlotte Sometimes, Tifa Tittlywinks, and Ginger Snaps, the last of whom is the founder of the event.

The event’s promotional material stated, “Due to the ever increasing political restrictions targeting Planned Parenthood, Ginger felt the need to take action and do something to help support the organization that has done so much good for women across the country…”

This is considerable celebration for an organization that has just agreed to pay out a $2 million wrongful death settlement. The family of Tonya Reaves, a 24 year-old woman, brought suit against Planned Parenthood for allegedly puncturing her uterus. Reaves subsequently died from uncontrolled bleeding, according to court documents.

As pro-life blogger Jill Stanek observed at Newsbusters, Planned Parenthood’s Loop Health Center in Illinois, a state in which abortion clinics are unregulated, has not had to cope with much media scrutiny in the wake of Reaves’ death after a late-term abortion there in July of 2012.

“What a tie-in to all the legislation being proposed, passed, and sued in the states requiring that abortion clinics be regulated and inspected!” Stanek wrote. “What a counterpoint to pro-abortion protests that these regs are unwarranted!”

“Never mind,” Stanek concluded. “Carry on with your cutesie condom fundraisers and Vine videos, Planned Parenthood.”