Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) is expected to receive a “hero’s welcome” when he travels to Iowa and New Hampshire in the coming months after he again stood up against the GOP establishment on the vote to raise the debt ceiling without any reductions in spending.

Conservative activists, according to the The Hill, are cheering Cruz for forcing Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and others to vote to advance the legislation. 

On March 18, Cruz will keynote a Network of Iowa Christian Home Educators rally. On April 12, Cruz will attend the New Hampshire Freedom Summit, which is sponsored by Americans For Prosperity. Cruz is a potential 2016 presidential candidate and contender, and Iowa and New Hampshire host the country’s first-in-the-nation caucuses and primary, respectively.

Steve Deace, an influential conservative talk radio host in Iowa, said that Cruz would receive a “tickertape parade” for standing up to the GOP establishment. He said, “At this point with grassroots conservatives around the country it’s a close vote between who they distrust the most, the president, [Speaker] John Boehner [R-OH] or Mitch McConnell.”

Activists in New Hampshire noted that voters in the state are fiscally conservative and appreciate that Cruz is willing to fight to get America’s fiscal house in order instead of just giving it lip service. 

Cruz has also gained favor with conservatives in both states because he led the charge against more gun control legislation and frustrated those in the GOP establishment that wanted to pass amnesty legislation by calling the “immigration principles” released by the House GOP leadership “amnesty.” House Republican leaders were upset that Cruz helped put the breaks on amnesty legislation.