The news that Remington Outdoor Co. is expanding into Huntsville, Alabama became official today when Robert Mayes, chairman of the Chamber of Commerce of Huntsville/Madison County, said the new Remington facility “will transform the economic landscape of North Alabama.”

Prior to Mayes’ announcement, Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) released a statement saying he “warmly welcome[s]” the company and “look[s] forward to their success and presence for years to come.”

On February 15th, Breitbart News reported that Remington was working to acquire a 500,000 square-foot facility in Huntsville, and that the company would announce the acquisition on February 17th. 

According to, Remington CEO George Kollitides explained Remington’s decision to expand into Alabama by pointing to the state’s motto: “We Dare Defend Our Rights.” Kollitides said that motto “says it all,” and Remington is proud to bring the oldest gunmaker in America to the “city that built the Apollo moon rocket.”

State Commerce Director Greg Canfield said Remington toured nine sites in Alabama before settling on Huntsville. He believes they were able to attract Remington because Alabama is a “right to work” state, with the right infrastructure and “the right mix of skilled workers.”

He added, “We are [also] a state that is strongly supportive of the Second Amendment and the right to bear arms.”

The facility is a former Chrysler plant on Wall-Trania Highway and Electronics Blvd. The Winston-Salem Journal says the Remington plant is not expected to be operational “until 2015.”

Union officials are concerned the Alabama plant will endanger the 1,300 jobs which currently exist at the Remington plant in Ilion, NY.

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