The NAACP has invited Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), a potential 2016 GOP presidential contender, to speak to the group in the future. 

In an interview that will air on C-SPAN’s Newsmakers on Sunday, NAACP’s interim president, Lorraine Miller, reportedly said that the organization would “love to have him” and “talk with him about it and work with him on it.” 

Paul has already spoken to students at Howard University and announced his plan for “Economic Freedom Zones,” loosely modeled after the late Jack Kemp’s enterprise zones, in Detroit. He will also speak at Simmons College, another historically black college, in Kentucky on Monday. 

A senior Paul adviser said that Paul was “pleased to hear that the NAACP would like to work with him on reforms like economic freedom zones and he would be honored to address the organization.”

Paul has previously said that the GOP has to look “like the rest of America” to win elections and has indicated he may have an interest in working on issues dealing with prison reform with Senators like Cory Booker (D-NJ).