A Loganville, Georgia girl’s softball team is raffling off a Taurus Judge revolver as a fundraiser for the team.

According to AJC.com, people not affiliated with the Heat Select ’05 team believe the gun sends the wrong message. 

For example, Diana Smith’s kids do not play on the team but only on the same field. She believes raffling off a gun is “not a good idea.” 

However, persons actually tied to the team have a different view altogether. Deccia Basti said, “We play travel ball. It costs enough as it is. You raffle anything you can.” And April Harrison said, “When we offer a gun, we’re offering something people want to participate in. Some people may not want a TV.”

Kristin Hyers responded to those opposed to raffling the gun by adding, “People have a problem with just about anything nowadays.” 

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