Displaying how phony the Democrats’ “war on women” charge is, Iowa’s Democratic Party made a playlist on spotify to slam a female GOP Senate candidate and included on it a song with some racy lyrics.

Iowa Democrats tweeted out the playlist for state Senator Joni Ernst, who is trailing liberal frontrunner Mark Jacobs, and asked their followers to “RT & tell us your favorite!” One song on that list is Wyclef Jean’s “Gone Till November.” Below are some of the song’s lyrics:  

When I come back, you know the limit’s the sky

I’ll take you out to dinner, to your favorite spot

Feed you an aphrodisiac just to get you hot

One can only imagine what the reaction would have been from Democrats so eager to wage their “war on women” campaigns had a Republican included such a song about a female Democrat. During last weekend’s CPAC, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin called out Democrats for their phony “war on women” rhetoric, saying Democrats like to treat female voters like cheap dates. 

“Hey Democrats, it’s your leaders who are demeaning to women,” Palin said. “Liberals seem to think the women of America are cheap dates. Feed ’em a few lines about that free birth control, throw in some scary quotes about the war on women, and they will be yours.”