In his remarks at the conference over the weekend, the chairman of the group that runs CPAC said that conservatives and establishment Republicans should not spend “one more minute” fighting about candidates, policies, and for the soul of the party. 

Translation: Unite on the terms favorable to establishment Republicans that Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) pointed out has cost Republicans in three of the last four national elections. 

Cardenas said that conservatives “must stand against this dark loss of freedom”  the country is facing by recognizing that threats are “not coming in the form of other conservatives.”

He said that conservatives should not spend “one more minute” getting “caught up in the internal workings of our movement.”

“We must not battle each other,” Cardenas added. “We must unite.”

As Breitbart News Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon noted in his introductory remarks for The Uninvited II national security forum, which was held across the street from CPAC because the conference refused to address issues that are of serious concern to the country and the grassroots, “unity” is often a way for the establishment to tell the grassroots to “shut up and sit down.” Bannon said that unity should be had on terms favorable to the conservative grassroots. 

On many issues like amnesty, increased spending, the Farm Bill and reforming food stamps, and especially on social issues like abortion and gay marriage, the Republican establishment is all too eager to ask conservatives to unite around Democrat-lite positions. 

Sen. Cruz mentioned that Republicans have lost presidential elections and three of the last four national elections after adopting the “unity” and moderate approach favored by the establishment. And keynote speaker Sarah Palin said issues like amnesty are losing issues because no Republican gets elected “promising higher taxes, wasteful spending, increased debt, bigger government, and rewarding lawbreakers via amnesty.”  

“Why are they voting for these things now?” Palin asked. “And why reward them with your votes?” 

Palin, whose endorsement carries the most weight in GOP primaries, had a simple message for the “Beltway Boys” regarding the historic 2010 election that gave the GOP back its majority in the House: “You didn’t build that. The Tea Party did.”

“Dance with the one that brought you,” Palin said. “And you want another sweep; then grab a broom and join us at the party.”