Give credit to Barak Obama; there is simply no subject in which he is not an expert.   On Tuesday, Obama stopped by a Gap store in Times Square to shop for clothes for his wife and daughters, and promptly bragged, “I think the ladies will be impressed by my style sense.” 

Despite his past rhetoric of how women should be free to choose, Obama picked gray and white striped and bright coral sweaters instead of V-neck sweaters, saying, “I’m worried the V-neck is going to slip.”

When a Gap employee suggested a hoodie for Michelle, Obama rejected that, and selected a blue workout jacket.

Not only did Obama display his knowledge of “haute couture,” he also showed how he stays abreast of 21st century electronics.  When a cashier said he could swipe his credit card, Obama ejaculated, “Oh, wow.  So you can sign the machine?”  Suddenly realizing he was in 2014, Obama attempted to joke, “They had those around the last time I shopped.” 

Of course, no Obama appearance would be complete without his trumpeting his agenda.  He praised Gap for raising the salaries of their employees, “It’s not only good for them and their families; it’s also good for the entire economy.  I want to congratulate the Gap for doing the right thing.”