After Georgia’s Republican-led House passed HB 875 expanding the rights of “good guys” to carry guns for self-defense, “the highest officials in Georgia’s Episcopal Diocese” signed a letter of opposition saying “good guys” are only good until they are not.

In other words, “good guys with guns” are just “bad guys” waiting to emerge. published the following excerpt of the letter:

Supporters of this bill claim our current quite expansive gun laws are not expansive enough. They claim that if only the “bad guys” have guns, then the “good guys” cannot stop them. As one State Representative who sponsored the bill said: “Gun free zones that are created by well-meaning laws are gun free to good guys only. The bad part of our society does not care.”

The clergy also responding to arguments that people with concealed-carry permits go through extensive background checks to prove they are good guys: “People who had no criminal record and had a legal right to their weapons perpetrated almost all of the recent tragic shootings in houses of worship and schools. They were ‘good guys’ until they weren’t.”

The signatories of the letter fail to see that laws against guns in “houses of worship and schools” did not stop those with criminal intent. 

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