Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin said even the biased mainstream media cannot justify the ultimate gift that President Barack Obama gave to authoritarian regimes and dictators around the world when he relinquished America’s control of the Internet last Friday. 

Palin said that this “is nothing more than a gift to authoritarian regimes who seek to stifle the freedom the internet gives to voices around the world fighting for basic human rights. No amount of Obama/liberal media spin can justify this.”

“Evidently relinquishing America’s control of the internet via our Icann control of domain names was what Obama meant when he led his adoring followers in those strange, kind of creepy chants of “Yes-We-Can.” Palin wrote in a Facebook post. “Surrendering our control of the internet is a colossal foreign policy error with long term negative repercussions for freedom.” 

Palin linked to an article by Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large Joel Pollak that explained why this is “the worst thing Obama has done in foreign policy by far.”