The left is having a collective giggle-fit over the nomination of Suzanne Atanus as the Republican nominee to challenge Jan Schakowsky in the 9th district of Illinois. I was the Republican nominee in 2010–and Atanus ran then, too. She was knocked off the ballot, in the end, and ran a write-in campaign in the general election, though not after a hysterical rant/performance at a candidate forum at a local nursing home that Schakowsky had to suffer through, nursing a copy of the U.S. Constitution in case she was asked about it again

Ah, democracy.

Here’s the thing: the Illinois GOP may cry about Atanus, since it should have put up a serious candidate, but the left doesn’t get to gloat about her. 

The likeliest reason she won the primary, according to an Illinois source, was that Democrat-aligned unions told their voters to cross over and vote Republican in the (vain) hope of pushing moderate Republican Kirk Dillard past Bruce Rauner in the race for governor. 

Many of those Democrats, not knowing much about either Republican, may simply have voted for the female candidate, as per recent habit.

The GOP has already tried to disown Atanus. The left–not so fast…

Image: Atanus campaign via