Since the IRS admitted to targeting Tea Party Patriots, we have learned the importance of honoring and defending every word in the First Amendment. 

The First Amendment to the US Constitution is on trial today at the Supreme Court.  On one side is Kathleen Sebelius: the HHS secretary responsible for the Obamacare disaster.  On the other side is American job creators, whose First Amendment rights, and freedom of choice, are being targeted and threatened by a power-hungry government. 

As the Washington Post rightly noted, “it all starts with the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare),” which is the worst assault on patient/doctor choice in American history.  Obamacare vowed to honor your free choice, by promising “if you like your health care plan you can keep it,” but that turned out to be the “lie of the year” according to PolitiFact.  Now, Obamacare and Kathleen Sebelius are upping the government assault on your freedom of choice and the First Amendment, by taking American employers to the Supreme Court.  Why?  Because government now wants to force American employers to abandon their beliefs, in addition to their free choice.   

This is about choice.  The choice to embrace our First Amendment Constitutional rights, which are now under assault, just as the authors of the Constitution had feared.  Here is the complete text of the First Amendment:  “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” 

Today, in front of the Supreme Court, we are exercising our First Amendment rights “peaceably to assemble” in order to exercise our “freedom of speech” and “petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” 

When the Tea Party Patriots stand up for the First Amendment to the Constitution, we are standing up for all Americans who believe in freedom of speech, freedom of choice, freedom to stay true to our beliefs, and freedom from power-hungry governments that spy on its citizens, use the IRS as a weapon of punishment against its own citizens, and dares to take its own citizens to the Supreme Court in a wild attempt to forcibly remove their freedom of choice and their First Amendment rights.   

When the government stands against you, the Tea Party Patriots stand with you.