Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush defended his characterization of illegal immigration as an “act of love” on Thursday, but he also refrained from using those words again in his speech. 

“This past weekend, I made some statements about immigration reform [that] generated a little more news than I anticipated,” Bush said at a Connecticut GOP event, according to news reports. “You know, I’ve been saying this for the last three or four years, I said the exact same thing that I’ve said regularly… And the simple fact is, there is no conflict between enforcing our laws, believing in the rule of law, and having some sensitivity to the immigrant experience, which is part of who we are as a country.”

Bush also said, according to reports, that keeping illegal immigrants “in the shadows” was not an American thing to do. 

In an interview with Fox News’s Shannon Bream on Sunday from his father’s presidential library in College Station, TX, Bush also said that Americans should not get “riled up” about illegal immigration.

As Breitbart News has reported, though the Republican establishment is clamoring for Bush to try to become the third Bush to occupy the White House, a national Washington Post-ABC News poll found that a majority of Americans would not even consider voting for him.