Bob Dole may have made tens of thousands of dollars for appearing in an erectile dysfunction television ad back in the 90s, but Speaker John Boehner’s (R-OH) Republican primary challenger, J.D. Winteregg, lost his job.

Winteregg lost his adjunct teaching job for his “electile dysfunction” ad criticizing Boehner.

On April 13, Winteregg’s campaign launched a YouTube video, “When the Moment is Right,” claiming Boehner suffered from “electile dysfunction.” Though some considered the ad to be in poor taste, it proved very popular among Tea Party activists, gaining more than 268,000 views in the two weeks since its launch.

Cedarville University, a small Christian college near Dayton, Ohio, released a statement on Monday, announcing Winteregg’s departure. “J.D.Winteregg has been an adjunct professor of French for the past three years,” the statement read. “He instructed one online class each semester but last week concluded his teaching responsibilities. He is not scheduled to teach any future classes at Cedarville University.”

“Cedarville University does not engage in partisan politics and holds a high regard for displaying Christian values in the community. When faculty or staff members participate in political conversations, interviews, advertisements, or endorsements, they are doing so as individual citizens. Mr. Winteregg in his recent political campaign video did not represent the views or values of Cedarville University,” the statement concluded.

Since adjunct instructors usually teach on the basis of an annual contract that is up for renewal every year, Mr. Winteregg was not technically fired. His contract was merely not renewed.

Winteregg is a long-shot challenger to Speaker Boehner in the May 6th Republican primary in Ohio’s 8th Congressional District.