On April 30th Mark Glaze–the head of Michael Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG)–announced he will be stepping down in June. 

This announcement comes less three weeks since Bloomberg pledged to spend $50 million to challenge the NRA in the 2014 mid-term elections.

According to the Chicago Tribune, Glaze became the executive director of MAIG in 2011. He still supports the gun laws Bloomberg is pursuing, but the fight has become tiresome for him. 

Said Glaze: “This issue is unbelievably important to me. But it’s a tough issue and a tough grind. And there’s a point where you feel you’ve done all you can do.” 

For those who look at MAIG as a failing organization because of its inability to beat the NRA, Glaze said: “People who thought that you were going to win the hardest public policy fight there is overnight and defeat the toughest special interest were kidding themselves.” 

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