Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg’s pro-amnesty organization FWD.us bought deceptive advertisements to help Rep. Renee Ellmers (R-NC) defeat underfunded primary challenger Frank Roche in Tuesday’s North Carolina primary. The group promptly celebrated Ellmers’ win. 

FWD.us’s Joe Green said that Ellmers’ victory “makes clear” that “the time is now for House Republicans to bring” amnesty legislation to the floor. Lobbying groups like FWD.us want high-tech visas that will lower the wages of American workers, even though no evidence suggests there is a shortage of American high-tech workers.

Green wrote that Ellmers won despite being attacked by amnesty opponents. Ellmers “consistently articulated a solution to fix our broken immigration system” and her “constituents made clear their support for her leadership by overwhelmingly voting for her over her anti-immigrant primary opponent,” he said. 

But FWD.us played a huge role in confusing voters in Ellmers’ district about her position on amnesty legislation.

Even though Ellmers has openly declared her support for amnesty, had meltdowns debating the issue while referring to herself in the third person, and even berated her constituents for opposing amnesty, FWD.us purchased $200,000 worth of deceptive ads on television that lied about Ellmers’ stance on immigration, saying it was, “No amnesty, period”:

Ellmers voted for a Balanced Budget Amendment to cut the debt and stop the wasteful spending in Washington. She’s protecting Fort Bragg and Pope Airfield from massive defense cuts and working hard to secure the border and fix our broken immigration system once and for all. No amnesty, period.

Those deceptive ads worked, since Ellmers was able to play both sides of the issue en route to her win, much to the liking of House Speaker John Boehner’s top amnesty adviser: