Last year, Reps. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) vowed that Obamacare would be so popular with voters that Democrats would run on the president’s health care law leading up to the Nov. 4 midterm elections. A new Associated Press poll, however, may give Democrats pause, as just 28% of Americans now support Obamacare.

The AP poll’s abysmal Obamacare support findings include all forms of support; just 17% of Americans said they “strongly support” Obamacare and 11% said they “somewhat support” the president’s signature legislative achievement.

Opposition to Obamacare totaled 43% with a majority of those (32%) saying they “strongly oppose” the health care law and 11% saying they “somewhat oppose” it. Those listing “neither support or oppose” totaled 28%.

The poll’s sample included 9% more Democrats than Republicans. Most troubling for Democrats: 65% of those surveyed said they “always” or “nearly always” vote. Given Obamacare and President Barack Obama’s deep unpopularity, Democrats are privately scrambling to distance themselves from both. One Democratic member of Congress told the New York Times Obama is now “poisonous” to Democrats.

Voters head to the polls in 163 days.