As the scandal over substandard healthcare treatment given our veterans at the nation’s Veterans Administration hospitals grows, Vice President Joe Biden has admitted that the U.S. is “lagging” on healthcare for veterans.

“That is a sacred obligation, and we’re behind right now. The VA is having problems, and we’ve got to get to the bottom of it,” VP Biden said.

Biden made his comments on Memorial Day as he welcomed visiting veterans to the Vice Presidential residence at the U.S. Naval Observatory, situated about fifteen minutes northwest of the White House.

The VP noted that the Obama administration has made some moves to make the lives of veterans better and insisted that the government has a “sacred obligation” to those who served our nation.

“This is a long-term commitment this nation has to make, so it seems to me on this day, we as Americans have to recommit ourselves not just with words but with deeds,” Biden said.

Biden and wife Jill are celebrating the kickoff of the Ride 2 Recovery, an annual 350-mile, six-day-long bicycle ride for veterans, many disabled and/or suffering post-traumatic stress disorder. The event is aimed at helping vets re-acculturate themselves into civilian life.

ABC reports that, as some veterans peddled past TV cameras set up at the entrance to the Vice President’s residence, they yelled “Fix the VA!”

The Vice President is echoing the White House party line. President Obama also used the “sacred obligation” line in his weekend address.

Again, the President claimed that fixing the VA is “one of the causes of my presidency” and again pledged to fix the problems that have been vexing veterans since the day he took office six years ago.

Meanwhile, one of the most vocal advocates for veterans, the American Legion, says that the spiraling VA scandal is a “black eye” for this nation on Memorial Day.

Verna Jones, director of veteran affairs and rehabilitation at the American Legion National Headquarters, told CBS that veterans everywhere are being hurt and disrespected by the Veterans Administration and the Obama regime.

“This VA scandal is leaving a black eye every day for veterans. Veterans deserve more than the VA is giving. Veterans are losing faith in the system,” Jones said.

“Veterans are very disappointed. Promises were made to those who served their country, and they deserve that. No veteran expects to go into a VA facility and have their health care worsen because they have to wait,” Jones continued.

The VA did concede that it is failing to provide proper service to veterans last week. On Saturday, May 24, the VA said it was going to allow more veterans to choose healthcare from private providers outside the VA hospital system.

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