Nearly two thirds of Americans disapprove of the way establishment Republican strategist Karl Rove spoke about Hillary Clinton’s health.

A Washington Post/ABC News poll found that 66% of Americans disapproved of Rove’s suggestion that Hillary Clinton may have suffered brain damage after Clinton reportedly collapsed in 2012 before she was scheduled to testify about Benghazi. 

Republicans were almost evenly split on the issue, with 46% disapproving and 45% approving. However, most other demographics were aligned against Rove, with majorities of seniors and men, among others, disapproving of the way Rove handled the situation.

Republican writer Kathleen Parker has said that, should Hillary Clinton run for president in 2016, Rove’s “Todd Akin moment” essentially ensured her election.

The poll was conducted May 21 to 25, and its margin of error is +/- 3.5 percentage points.