Gabby Giffords and Mark Kelly’s gun control group, Americans for Responsible Solutions, is demanding Iowa state Senator Joni Ernst (R) apologize for making pro-2nd Amendment comments the week after Elliot Rodger’s stabbed three people to death before fatally shooting three others.

Ernst is campaigning around the state for Iowa’s June 3 U.S. Senate primaries. 

According to the Quad-City Times, Ernst raised the ire of gun control proponents during a May 29 debate when she responded to a question about “high-profile shootings” by saying, “Just because of a horrible, horrible tragedy, I don’t believe we should be infringing on people’s 2nd Amendment rights.”  

At one point, she described the stabbings and shootings as an “unfortunate accident” and said those who want to criticize her answers are simply playing “gotcha politics” following the attacks.

Americans for Responsible Solutions senior adviser Pia Carusone is asking Ernst to apologize.

Ernst responded to the apology request by saying no, in so many words, and pointing out how “shameful” it is to watch “Democrats” politicize a tragedy in this way. 

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