Speaking from the Senate floor on June 4, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) criticized the criticism of Obama’s exchange of five senior Taliban commanders for Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl and said Republicans ought not be trying “to score political points” off the exchange.

Reid called some Republicans by name during the speech in which he said the GOP is “worried [Bergdahl’s] release could be seen as a victory for President Obama.”

Business Insider printed Reid’s exact words:

Unfortunately, opponents of President Obama have seized upon the release of an American prisoner of war, using what should be a moment of unity and celebration for our nation, as a chance to play political games. The safe return of an American solider should not be used to score political points.

Reid also tried to diffuse the outrage that resulted from news that Bergdahl was a deserter:

Those are issues that will be resolved by the United States Army, not Monday morning quarterbacks on Capitol Hill. But let’s say, for the sake of argument, that Sergeant Bergdahl did violate his sworn oath. Who do we want to mete out justice to an American soldier? The Taliban? I will choose the justice system of the United States Army – American justice – every time.

Reid closed his remarks by saying, “America is glad [Bergdahl is] home.”

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