On June 4 a New Kensington, Pennsylvania first grader was suspended and faces possible expulsion after turning himself in for accidentally bringing a toy gun to school in his backpack.

7-year-old Darin Simak is a first grader at Martin Elementary School.

According to WTAE News 4, Simak was carrying a backup backpack and was not aware the toy gun was in it. When he discovered it in his backpack he took the toy to the teacher and said, “I’m not supposed to have this.”

The teacher took the toy gun and told the principal, who then suspended Simak. 

Simak’s mom, Jennifer Mathabel, said she got a call to come pick her son up early on June 4 and was told not to send him back to school the next day. But she disagreed with the suspension so she sent her son to school on June 5 anyway.

The principal called Mathabel on June 5 and said, “Darin is not to be in school.” Mathabel responded that her son “is entitled to be in school and to be educated.” The principal allowed Simak to stay at school but he spent the day in the office for “in-school suspension.”

The school policy calls for students who bring “weapons and replicas of weapons” on school property to be expelled for “a period of not less than one (1) year.” The school’s policy does not “specifically” address students who turn themselves in after realizing a mistake has been made. 

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