Mark Glaze, the former executive director of Michael Bloomberg’s gun control group, says Obama’s “political problems” killed gun control. 

Glaze’s last day with the gun control group was June 13 and he left without securing the gun control measures he helped Bloomberg push. 

According to The Wall Street Journal, Glaze said the gun control push hit a wall because of Obama’s “unrelated political problems.” He named “healthcare, Edward Snowden, and congressional gridlock” as examples. He also said the administration’s fumbling of things, like the Obamacare website launch, hurt gun control because it fed the already extant fear that government cannot be trusted.

Glaze also said that Bloomberg’s gun control group has a messaging problem inasmuch as many of the solutions it pushes in the wake of “mass shootings” would not do anything to stop “mass shootings.” 

Glaze said: “Is it a messaging problem when a mass shooting happens and nothing that we have to offer would have stopped that mass shooting? Sure it’s a challenge in this issue.”

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