Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) believes the border crisis is not a national security threat, despite gangsters having already been apprehended along the United States-Mexico border.

In fact, Jackson Lee waved a bag of lollipops during a Thursday House Homeland Security Field Hearing in McAllen, Texas, and said she took bags of such lollipops to the illegal immigrant children in detention centers during recent visits. 

“This is not a national security crisis,” Jackson Lee emphasized, noting that she was not armed and did not fear for her life when visiting the children. Jackson Lee said Border Patrol agents claimed the children were some of the most “orderly” and “behaved” children they have encountered. 

Rep. Lou Barletta (R-PA), however, said that the “first priority” of the federal government is to protect the American people, and he was “not convinced that we know enough about the children that are here” to believe they will do no harm.

Barletta stated that illegal immigrants are flooding across the border because of the Obama administration’s non-enforcement of the country’s immigration laws. He warned that if those seeking to do harm sneak across the border, “innocent Americans” will be the ones who “pay that price.”