On July 4 a uniformed police officer entered a Tacoma Park, Maryland, Ikea store and was told to go lock his gun in the squad car or “leave.” 

The officer carrying the gun was Tacoma Park Police Chief Alan Goldberg. He was in uniform “because he had worked that morning at the city’s July 4 parade, and would be back on duty that night for fireworks.”

He was trying to help his daughter find furniture for her apartment in between shifts.

According to NBC Washington News 4, Goldberg was approached by a “loss-prevention officer” who said: “We have a no firearms policy, and you’re either going to have to leave or you can lock your gun in the car.”

The store had “Weapons Free Environment” signs on its front doors, and Goldberg demanded to see written policy to prove the ban applied to police. Ikea did not provide written policy. 

Ikea issued an apology on July 7 after News 4 contacted them seeking clarification on their “weapons free” policy. 

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