On July 2 Breitbart News reported that interim Target CEO John Mulligan “respectfully” asked law-abiding citizens not to bring their guns in Target stores.

Since then, Gainesville, Georgia, police have arrested three over a Target parking lot robbery and are looking for another man who punched a woman and stole her Mercedes at a Decatur, Georgia, Target as well.

Just days after Target’s request the Gainesville Times reported that three men were arrested for allegedly pulling a handgun to rob a man in a Target parking lot. The three – Xavier Holland, 21; Zuccari Goudelock, 20; and Kenneth Long, 17 – were arrested, and “the committal hearing is set for July 21.”

Then, just three days after Target’s request that law-abiding citizens leave guns home, a woman was beaten in a Decatur Target parking lot and her Mercedes was stolen. According to Decaturish.com, it was around noon on July 5 when “a black male wearing a green t-shirt punched her in the head and she fell to the ground.”

Thereafter he stole her purse and her car.

Within two weeks of asking law-abiding citizens to leave their guns home, two Jack in the Box stores were robbed, and a shooting took place at a third.

Follow AWR Hawkins on Twitter @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at awrhawkins@breitbart.com.