A conservative group is launching a major hit against New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie to dampen his expected visit to Iowa, criticizing the brash, scandal-worn pol for nominating liberal judges.

The Judicial Crisis Center is launching a website seizing on Christie’s picks to the New Jersey Supreme Court accompanied by a $75,000 web ad buy.

“Christie has had five openings on the New Jersey Supreme Court, enough to build a new majority, but the court remains liberal. One Christie appointee, the Chief Justice, is a Democrat so liberal he was mentioned as a potential Barack Obama nominee to the US Supreme Court,” the website says.

The Judicial Crisis Network is led by chief counsel and policy director Carrie Severino. The group was founded in the George W. Bush administration to urge Senate Democrats to confirm Bush’s judicial nominees, but has criticized the president’s nominees in the Obama’s year.

Christie is working to rehabilitate himself after the bridge-closing scandal, but his clout as a 2016 contender is severely diminished.