Democrat Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley wants to put illegal immigrant children in foster homes. 

After O’Malley said recently that the illegal immigrant children who are flooding across the border should be classified as “refugees” and given asylum from “certain death,” he begged White House officials not to dump illegal immigrants in a facility in his state. But in a Monday meeting with an assortment of high-profile officials and community leaders, O’Malley, who is posturing for a potential 2016 White House bid, said his first preference was for illegal immigrant children to be unified with family members in Maryland.

According to The Baltimore Sun, O’Malley indicated that his “second [preference] would be to place children in homes through the federal foster care system,” and his third choice would be to put the illegal immigrant children in “congregate housing.”

While many of the children are fleeing violence in Central American nations, the murder rates in those countries were comparable to Baltimore’s while O’Malley was mayor. As Breitbart News reported, “During O’Malley’s last five years as Baltimore’s mayor, the city’s homicide rate was higher than Guatemala’s and El Salvador’s. And O’Malley’s final year in office was the most murderous of his eight-year tenure.”

Black Baltimore residents, like Elaine, who recently called The Laura Ingraham Show, have complained that Democrats seem to care more about taking care of illegals than American-born blacks. 

“Well, what about my neighborhood? You don’t have to do it in Beverly Hills, but in the inner cities where we are suffering,” she said. “My children cannot play outside. I cannot take my trash out without locking the door. It’s awful. Who is going to give us anything? Where can I get asylum? Where can I get refugee status? I don’t know what I can do. Nobody cares what happens to my children.”