Following Obama’s July 16 executive order banning the importation of Russian made AK-47s and other firearms that use the famous “Kalashnikov” action, sales of Russian AK-47s have gone through the roof. Thus solidifying Obama’s position as gun salesman of the decade.

On November 30 Breitbart News reported the stunning growth in gun sales in America, and how those sales corresponded with control pushes by Obama and the Democrats. We did this by looking at firearm purchaser background checks on one day of the year–Black Friday. 

In 2008 there 97,848 such checks on the day after Thanksgiving, but by 2011, after Obama and Congressional Democrats had already begun flexing their muscles on gun control, there were 129,166 background checks on Black Friday alone. 

By 2012 that number was 154,873.

Now we can add the surging sales of Russian AK-47s, Saiga firearms, and other companies that use the “Kalashnikov” action to the list of firearms and firearm-related products that Obama’s policies have unknowingly promoted. 

According to Fox Business, following Obama’s executive order websites of prominent gun stores showed “limited or no stock of several Kalashnikov models online.” And Las Vegas based Arsenal firearms, a company that modifies and sales firearms imported from Russia, lists both the “Saiga AK-47 and AK-74…as out of stock.”

Impact Guns’ Craig Ball told Fox Business that a ban like Obama issued has an effect and “the supply dries up.”

And while it certainly was not Obama’s intent, we have to admit the President sure is selling a lot of guns. 

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