Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) introduced another border crisis bill on Thursday, which, like the first one he introduced last week, is aimed at curbing President Barack Obama’s amnesty for illegal aliens via executive order.

Cruz issued a statement about his new bill:

The current situation in the Rio Grande Valley is a humanitarian crisis of this Administration’s making. President Obama set the stage for this crisis by refusing to live up to his most basic responsibility to secure our border, imposing huge human and financial costs on border communities and on immigrants who come here illegally. He has also sent a message to the world that the United States is not serious about enforcing its immigration laws by lawlessly granting amnesty through the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program. To solve this problem, we must put a stop to President Obama’s amnesty and give governors all options possible to mitigate this crisis in light of the federal government’s inaction.

According to the release from Cruz’s Senate office, the bill would prevent the Obama administration from expanding executive amnesty like the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) by blocking funding for implementation of it–just like Cruz’s first bill. 

This bill adds a couple more components to that: A change to the 2008 anti-human trafficking law that many U.S. lawmakers have blamed for the crisis, an addition of resources for state and local governments, and resources so that border states can call up the National Guard to secure the border.