Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) spent all day Friday taunting Republicans for believing that a flood of illegal immigrant “children” could “cause havoc on our society.” He blasted Republicans as “cowards” who were “ashamed of themselves” for “scapegoat[ing] children.”

“Only cowards scapegoat children, and only those who are ashamed of themselves do it after hours on a Friday night,” Gutierrez said in anger on the House floor Friday evening as the House passed two border bills that would prevent President Barack Obama from using federal funds to enact more grants of executive amnesty.

During an MSNBC appearance earlier in the day, Gutierrez said that Republicans, such as Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), should refer to illegal immigrant juveniles as “children” instead of “UACs,” even though nearly 90% of them are teenagers, according to a Pew Research report.

He then criticized Republicans for believing that there are illegal immigrants who are “gang-banging, disease-ridden, criminals bringing drugs” and “are going to cause havoc on our society.”

“They are children,” Gutierrez kept insisting.

As Breitbart News reported, parents and family members of victims of some heinous crimes committed by illegal immigrants have denounced amnesty and asked House leaders to meet with them at the border. Just this week in California, an illegal immigrant “DREAMer” who came to the country when he was 12 has been accused of murdering a legal immigrant in Los Angeles. 

Furthermore, a federal government report warned of the numerous diseases that illegal immigrants are spreading. “Many UAC and family units require treatment for communicable diseases, including respiratory illnesses, tuberculosis, chicken pox, and scabies,” a Homeland Security Department report found

Nearly 60,000 illegal immigrant juveniles have been apprehended since October of last year, and federal officials expect at least 150,000 more will be apprehended in the next fiscal year.