On July 28, a gas station clerk feigned illness to buy time, then located his handgun and shot six times at an agitated, alleged armed robber.

The incident took place in Chesapeake, Virginia.

According to News Channel 3, clerk Sammy Williams thought the robber was part of a prank at first, so he refused to open drawers when told to. Williams figured out it was not a prank when the robber got frustrated that the money was not where he expected it to be and began “shaking [his] gun] at” Williams.

At one point the robber pointed to a green bag on the floor and told Williams to open it, but Williams refused saying: “No that’s mine. It’s got my medicine in it. I’m an older person, and that’s my blood pressure medicine in it.”

By this time Williams was within reach of the gun hidden in the store. He grabbed the gun, hit the silent alarm button, and began firing. 

Williams said: “He was going to kill me. I wasn’t trying to hit him in the leg or shoulder. I was hitting for the sweet spot basically.” 

Williams fired six shots at the suspect, who turned and fled the store. Guns.com reports that the suspect was apprehended 30 minutes later when he showed up at a local hospital to be treated for a gunshot wound. 

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