After the Wall Street Journal slammed conservatives who were in favor of border security over the weekend, the White House was glad Monday to use the Journal‘s words to paint conservatives as “extreme.”

After conservatives like Sens. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) and Ted Cruz (R-TX) stood up for American workers and sovereignty and demanded the House pass a bill that would prohibit President Barack Obama from using federal funds to enact executive amnesty, the Journal, which has consistently pushed for amnesty legislation, tagged them as the “deportation caucus.”

White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest quoted the Journal‘s piece Monday to club pro-border security conservatives, saying the House’s border bill will alienate minorities and even Republicans.

Even though a strong majority of Americans want illegal immigrant juveniles sent home more quickly and believe President Barack Obama’s executive amnesty is luring migrants to America, the Journal blasted the “deportation caucus” for forcing House leaders to make “an array of policy changes, most notably new restrictions” on Obama’s temporary amnesty program.

Earnest also emphasized that Obama is “no longer willing to stand idly” by while House Republicans block amnesty legislation. He said that once Obama receives his recommendations from Attorney General Eric Holder and Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson “by the end of summer” on executive actions, Obama will act “quickly” on his own.