Grandmothers Konnie Couch and Robin Willoughby were both robbed in 2011. They responded by forming “Women Armed and Ready” (WAR), a group that trains women to carry guns and prepares them to shoot under pressure, because “they were tired of being victims and didn’t want to see others go through what they did.”

According to, Couch said, “The thing of it is, bad things happen to good people all the time, and, if something bad is going to happen, it’s going to happen without warning. It’s going to be very quick, and you’ve got to be prepared for it.

She said the main goal of WAR is “to get women trained and [in a position] where, if they have to… they would be able to react and save themselves.”

All WAR members have concealed carry licenses.

On July 30 the National Shooting Sports Foundation’s Larry Keane wrote about the growing diversity in gun ownership and particularly the surge of gun ownership among women. He pointed out that this is especially true when it comes to concealed carry, where last year states like Florida reported that 22 percent of their permit holders were women; Tennessee reported 30 percent. reports that “Indiana alone has issued 123,536 firearms licenses to women in the first quarter of 2014.”

It appears the grandmothers of WAR are by no means the only women who’ve decided they are “tired of being victims.”

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