FERGUSON, Missouri–Missouri law enforcement targeted specific individuals for arrest in last night’s protest in Ferguson. Police arrested 47 protesters after what seemed to be a relatively peaceful night on Tuesday. As glass and plastic bottles began to hurl through the air towards fully geared law enforcement, police moved in.

Although tensions were high, police did not deploy tear gas, flash bang grenades, or sound cannon blasts from the LRAD (Long Range Acoustic Device). St. Louis County Police Department Lieutenant Colonel Ken Cox noted that the force is using different tactics every day to keep the peace.

“We’re doing different things every day and adjusting our strategy,” he said to Breitbart News on Tuesday.

“Tonight we saw a different dynamic,” Capt. Ron Johnson later told reporters. “There were no molotov cocktails tonight.”

A grand jury looking into the police shooting death of unarmed teenager Michael Brown could take up to two months, ABC News learned from the St. Louis prosecutor. Brown, a black 18-year-old, was shot by Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson on August 9. Protesters have been calling for Wilson’s arrest since the shooting took place.