Al Sharpton may be reveling in his close relationship with President Obama, but the controversial activist is also taking time to highlight his differences with the Clinton family as Hillary Clinton explores a presidential run.

Sharpton suggested that he still felt betrayed by President Bill Clinton after his Sister Souljah moment.

During his 1992 presidential campaign, Clinton criticized Rev. Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow Coalition for allowing rapper Sister Souljah to speak on a conference panel.

In the aftermath of the Michael Brown shooting in Ferguson, Missouri, Sharpton highlighted Hillary Clinton’s failure to address the controversy. 

“This is now a national, central issue, and anyone running for president needs to come up with a formula, or, in my opinion, they forfeit their right to be taken seriously,” Sharpton said on MSNBC last week. “I’m amazed that we’re not hearing from leading candidates–Chris Christie or Jeb Bush or Hillary Clinton.”