With gun control failing nationally, The New York Times reports that Michael Bloomberg is heading back to private business at Bloomberg L.P.

This comes after he dumped $150,000 into the August 12th Milwaukee County Sheriff’s race in an attempt to beat Sheriff David Clarke’s “conservative pro-gun policies.” Clarke won. Bloomberg lost.

It also comes after his gun control group Everytown for Gun Safety aired a video meant to justify firearm confiscation for women’s safety, but which inadvertently made the case for women to own guns to protect themselves. Breitbart News reported that after a female panel reviewed the commercial on ABC’s The View, three of the four panelists came away telling women to get a gun to protect themselves and their children.

Bloomberg’s return to private business also comes after the most visible gun control group he supports, Moms Demand Action For Gun Sense in America, only managed to convince five businesses–Chipotle, Jack in the Box, Chili’s, Sonic, and Target–to ask law-abiding citizens to come to their stores unarmed. Moms Demand was able to get a sixth business–Starbucks–to ask customers who openly carry firearms not to be so flamboyant about it. 

On the other side of the coin, Breitbart News recently reported that 57,000 businesses were fighting this push by putting a “guns welcome” sign on their front doors. 

And all this comes after Bloomberg pledged $50 million to defeat the NRA in November 2014. But if red state Democrats are any indicator, the NRA is a much safer bet than the $50 million. 

In the end, Bloomberg may still win a few scattered races or a state initiative here or there, but right now, his gun control legacy is characterized by defeat–like the kind of defeat he was handed in Colorado in 2013 when he spent hundreds of thousands to help state Senators John Morse (D-Colorado Springs) and Angela Giron (D-Pueblo) survive recall, only to see them both lose. 

Interestingly, the day before Giron was defeated, she warned that Bloomberg’s gun control push through groups like Mayors Against Illegal Guns was over even if only one of the two senators lost, stating, “If they lose even one of these seats, they might as well fold it up. And they understand that.” 

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