Did Congressman Bruce Braley (D-Iowa) really try to paint State Senator Joni Ernst (R-Red Oak) as the extreme candidate on the abortion issue in Iowa’s U.S. Senate race?  Why yes, yes he did in an ad released yesterday.

Here’s the ad.

“In the state Senate, Ernst sponsored an amendment to outlaw abortion even in cases of rape or incest. An Ernst bill would have banned many common forms of birth control. Ernst even wants criminal punishment for doctors who perform an abortion,” the narrator of the ad states.

They include a clip of Ernst speaking and she says, “the provider should be punished, if there were a personhood amendment.”

First, I’m unclear what bill was introduced that would have banned common forms of birth control… are they talking abortifacients?  RU 486?  How many types is “many” – three?  Four?

Read the rest of the story at Caffeinated Thoughts.