Immigration activists are slamming former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for her answer about President Barack Obama’s executive amnesty delay, contrasting it with socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders’ (I-VT) rejection of the delay. 

A video released Sunday by the pro-amnesty group Dream Action Coalition highlighted Clinton’s response over the weekend to immigration activists at the Harkin Steak Fry in Iowa.

When asked if she supports Obama’s decision to delay his executive amnesty until after the election, Clinton responded, “You know I think we need to elect more Democrats.”

The group’s video continues to highlight the response from Sanders — who is also considering a run for president — to the same question. 

“Somebody who is a strong supporter of the DREAMers, congratulations,” Sanders says in the video. “I believe he should have acted. You know I think again, his life is a difficult life. And that he has you know — there’s no particular reason to believe that the Republicans will do anything in the House. But should he do more with executive action? Yes, I think he should.”

The Dream Action Coalition, in its video, follows Sanders’ comments up by charging Clinton is only about politics.

“Hillary is about politics and her party. Not families,” the text in the video reads. 

Last week the White House promised Hispanic lawmakers that Obama would take executive action on immigration by the end of the year. 
