MANCHESTER, New Hampshire — The largest newspaper here in New Hampshire slammed incumbent Democratic Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) in a brutal but short editorial Wednesday morning.

“On Monday evening the United States launched air strikes against our terrorist enemies in Syria. We attacked them with F-22 Raptors and Tomahawk missiles, both of which fly with the help of New Hampshire’s largest manufacturer, BAE Systems, which remains the victim of an unretracted smear by the New Hampshire Democratic Party,” the New Hampshire Union Leader’s editors wrote in an unsigned editorial on Wednesday.

“In December of 2007, BAE dedicated a new Nashua plant for the manufacture of electronics systems for the F-22 and F-35,” the paper’s editors added. “Attending the dedication were Sen. John E. Sununu and Reps. Carol Shea-Porter and Paul Hodes. Seven months later, the New Hampshire Democratic Party attacked Sununu for accepting campaign money from unnamed ‘war profiteers.’ We asked the party to identify the donors. One of them was BAE Systems. The news release was issued to benefit Jeanne Shaheen in her campaign for Senate. She refused to demand an apology for it and said only that she called the party to express her disapproval. To this day, as America’s enemies are pulverized by weapons enabled by BAE Systems, the smear stands, unretracted, as the official position of the New Hampshire Democratic Party.”

Carrying on for one more paragraph, the New Hampshire Union Leader said that Shaheen “was late” in taking “a tough position” on ISIS and is “making up for that by issuing hawkish news releases cheering on the attacks made possible by Granite Staters her own party derided — on her behalf — as war profiteers.”

“Shaheen is happy to play to both hawks and doves, depending on where the votes are. A senator’s views on national security should not be so flexible,” the editors wrote.

The harsh 250-word editorial came just before former Massachusetts Sen. Scott Brown, who moved to New Hampshire and is challenging Shaheen for her seat in November’s general election, delivered an even more aggressive speech on foreign policy bashing Shaheen and Obama for weakening America’s standing in the world.

Before Brown took the stage here at the New Hampshire Institute of Politics at Saint Anselm College, he joined Laura Ingraham’s radio program nationally in which he further drilled down on what he said are the most important issues in this race: national security and immigration. During the interview, Brown said multiple times that Democrats nationally and liberal special interest groups are pouring millions of dollars into New Hampshire to attack his reputation in a “desperate” bid to save Shaheen.

Later in the interview with Ingraham, who endorsed him on air and said she hopes he wins, Borwn said the Democrats are ensuring he gets “the crap kicked out of me” with negative ads but he’s hanging in there.

“This is the last chance to pass judgment on the Obama administration,” Brown said. “He’s not up for reelection but his number one foot soldier is, and there’s no one–no one–in this country more invested in the failures of the president than Sen. Shaheen. If people want to make a real statement and they want to take back our country and right the ship–and re-establish who we are as Americans–then they need to get online and help me. I’m getting the crap kicked out of me. That’s okay because I’m a big boy and I’m gonna fight, and as a result of all that I’m up four, that’s fine I’m going to continue to march. But they’re getting desperate. Why are they getting desperate? Their rule and dysfunction in the United States Senate is soon coming to an end.”

Brown said he looks forward to January, if he’s elected and is able to walk into the U.S. Senate to greet Minority Leader Harry Reid.