MANCHESTER, New Hampshire — Former Sen. Scott Brown, who’s running against incumbent Democratic Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) to be New Hampshire’s next U.S. Senator, will deliver a foreign policy speech here midday Wednesday during which he’ll hammer Shaheen and President Barack Obama for weakening America’s standing in the world.

Excerpts of the speech obtained by Breitbart News ahead of its delivery show that Brown, a former U.S. Senator from Massachusetts who moved to New Hamsphire after losing re-election to Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), plans to argue that Shaheen and Obama have together weakened America on the world stage.

“Whatever else happens in Washington, when it comes to national security the stakes are so high, and there is so little room for error,” Brown will say. “This has always been true, and these days it’s hard to overstate how much is on the line. We’re at a dangerous moment for our country and our friends. It’s starting to feel like the world is on fire, with so many crises getting worse, so many adversaries gaining ground.”

Brown will argue that Obama and his congressional allies like Shaheen–who he’ll note votes with President Obama 99 percent of the time–have ignored or slipped behind threats to the United States, like the current threat with ISIS. President Obama launched airstrikes in Syria late Monday evening against ISIS bases after earlier this year saying they were not a threat to the U.S. because they were “jayvee.”

“We expect our president to stay ahead of threats, and the Congress to help him do so. And if President Obama and his team had met even that minimal standard, then I believe that the global security picture would look a lot better than it does right now,” Brown will said, according to excerpts his campaign provided to Breitbart News. “They seem only more confused as things unravel. It’s as if the Obama administration is maxed out, worn down, devoid of ideas, and now all the bills are coming due. This is what foreign policy looks like without clarity and conviction.  This is what the world looks like without American leadership.”

Brown will note that Shaheen is “a member of the Foreign Relations Committee” and “has been in that privileged position for nearly six years” but her record shows she’s voted with the president nearly 100 percent of the time.

“And she has a record that is readily summed up in a single number: 99 percent,” Brown will say. “That is how often Senator Shaheen votes in support of any policy of the Obama administration, whatever it is.”

Brown will hammer Shaheen many times more throughout the speech as well, but will also lay out how he plans to be different as a U.S. Senator from New Hampshire–citing his record as a U.S. Senator from Massachusetts.

“Three years ago, in October of 2011, I joined with colleagues on the Armed Services Committee in a letter challenging the administration to reconsider the complete abandonment of the Iraqi people,” Brown will say. “We needed to leave a transition force there to help guide and assist the new elected government.  It was obvious to us, and to the commanders we had spoken to over there, that a residual force was essential to preserve America’s hard-won gains.  Leave all at once, and right away, and that pullout would be seen as a victory by our enemies all across the Middle East. And all kinds of bad actors would move in – exactly as ISIS has now done. That bipartisan letter was signed by Senators Kelly Ayotte, John McCain, Joe Lieberman, and others of us on that committee. One member who didn’t join us was Senator Jeanne Shaheen. Then as now, she wasn’t in the habit of questioning the administration.”

Some other excerpts from the speech include: