Washington, D.C. Council Member David Grosso (I) has weighed in on the use of “aggressive police tactics” following the Ferguson, Missouri, incident in which an unarmed black teenager who allegedly attacked a policeman was shot and killed.  

Grosso suggested D.C. should respond to the incident by banning guns throughout the district–and that would include a ban against police officers carrying guns.

The incident in Ferguson came up during a discussion over the use of “stop-and-frisk” tactics by the D.C. Police.

According to the Associated Press, Grosso’s staff “urged him not to express [his] opinion” on guns, but he did so anyway, saying: “I think we ought to get rid of guns in the city and that police shouldn’t have guns.” Councilmember Tommy Wells (D) supported Grosso’s suggestion by pointing to the fact “that some police officers in other countries don’t carry deadly weapons.” 

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